Michelle Allison LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Individual and Family Psychotherapy for
Adults, Adolescents and Couples
About Michelle
Professional Credentials
You are welcome to review my formal resume. This is what I submit to insurance companies in order to be credentialled, and what I would offer if I were seeking a position as a consultant: Click on: webresume.pdf
You can view my current State Marital and Family Therapy License (CT #000436): Click on: Allison LMFT License
You can view my peofessional liability insurance certificate: Click on: Insurance Certificate
Brief Biography
After a successful experience with my own psychotherapy, I entered a graduate program in clinical psychology in 1984. I subsequently transferred after one year to the Marriage and Therapy Progam at Uconn, I graduated in 1988. I passed the licensing exam in 1992. The first part of my professional career was spent in the state's non-profit child and family clinic system. This is where I learned how be a therapist, but also where I ultimately became a clinical superisor of staff.
I was also a clinical coordinator responsible for a variety of intensive outpatient programs (partial hospital, extended day treatment) as well as running a conventional outpatient Child Guidance Clinic. I also did grant writing, program development, and public education around children's mental health issues. Later as a part time consultant, I helped pilot the State's first home grown in home psychiatric program for children and adolescents (IICAPS) and served as a clinical supervisor for that program.
Finally, in April, 2010 I opened the private practice you see before you.